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"Feed My Family" by Wordz: An Song About Determination and Responsibility

"Feed My Family," the latest track from Wordz's new album Only the Brave, is an anthem of unyielding determination and a deep-seated sense of responsibility. Produced by Mashbeatz, the song explores themes of perseverance, family responsibility and the relentless pursuit of success, set against a powerful visual backdrop: the album cover features the iconic image of Mike Tyson pushing a police officers away. The song begins with a stern statement in the chorus: "Won't let you get in my way. Can't let you get in my way. I took the paper and went to get it. I have this paper. The repetition of "I" emphasizes the centrality of this goal in his life.

A significant aspect of the song is its focus on family. Wordz repeatedly highlights his responsibilities: "I got a mother to feed. I got these places to be, I have family to lead, most of them younger than me." This sense of duty transcends immediate needs, suggesting a broader ambition to create a lasting legacy for his siblings and family.

In the first verse, Wordz continues to emphasize the importance of his mission: “You stand in my way. Can't let you get in my way. I got this paper to chase." This repetition helps to strengthen his regular determination. He also emphasized the importance of taking care of his new family members and emphasizing the defense and breeding side.

Wordz acknowledged that time and continuous increase in his duties "given the fact that we are older." This line illustrates the natural development of life and a sense of responsibility. The second verse offers a deeper insight into himself: "Now that I sit, I feel my head on my shoulders." Here, Wordz reflects on his journey and the occasional feelings of separation from his usual focused state. He sees his music as a transformative force: “That's how I see this music. My shift. We want to look older. Music brought maturity and growth to his life and became a tool for personal and professional growth. Wordz warns against postponing the line: "Maybe it's too late if they wait for them to say them" and embrace the resilience that comes from his experience: "Really hugs the feeling. We played many parents." Challenges, but his strength is still not shaken.

Outro Wordz left a lasting impact on his declaration: "Both are unmatched. You got it. Let me know what it is. On my truck. For real?. Only the Brave, with its striking cover image of Mike Tyson defiantly pushing back the police, captures the essence of Wordz's music: brave, fearless and unapologetically determined. This new album follows his previous release People Forget to Be People, which also delved into themes of personal struggle and societal pressure. But "Only the Brave" marks a major evolution in Wordz's artistic journey, revealing a deeper sense of purpose and resilience.

Wordz's "Feed My Family" is more than just a song; It is a testament to the artist's dedication to his craft and those he loves. A powerful tale of ambition, resilience and the unwavering desire to raise and protect a family, it is a resounding and inspiring anthem for anyone struggling to overcome life's obstacles.

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