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How To BUST Creative Blockage & Reach Your Peak Performance As A Creative.

Creative blockage – the nasty phenomenon that puts the scare in every artist, writer, designer and creator. Mental barrier that can leave the best of us feeling stagnant, disappointed and not knowing what to do next.

But not to worry! Creative blockage isn’t meant to be a lifelong disease. By understanding it and adopting the proper mindset, strategies and practices, you too can bust this barrier and reach your peak creative performance.

1. Acknowledge the Blockage

Understand that creative blockage is a common occurrence in the creative workflow. It’s your mind working through new information and it’s an opened door to discover new thoughts and angles.

2. Walk Away

Take a break from your piece and do some stimulating and inspiring activities. Read a book, take a walk or try yoga. Give your mind a moment to unwind and reset.

3. Switch up!

Often times all it is, is a matter of location, location, location! to get those new ideas flowing. Work from a different place or rearrange your working layout.

4. Get others involved!

Collaborate and work with others to see new perspectives and encourage fresh ideas. Present your work and request opinions. Creative brainstorming helps!

5. Get Mindful!

Creative mindfulness such as meditation and deep breathing exercises, help you calm your thoughts and reach your inner creative wells.

6. Micro goals!

Divide big pieces into smaller bite sized achievements. Build success and create momentum to bust through creative blockage.

7. Find inspiration!

Open yourself to new experiences, art, music, books and more. All it takes sometimes is a little inspiration to light the creative fire.

8. Fail!

Failure is a vital component in the creative workflow. Don’t be too afraid to try new things because it’s often said that ~

"Success often comes just on the other side of failure."

9. Journaling

Get your thoughts, ideas and observations down on paper. Writing helps you process your mind and recognize patterns and trends that encourage creativity.

In a nutshell, creative blockage isn’t meant to be a lifelong disease. By acknowledging the blockage, walking away, changing the environment, getting others involved, getting mindful, reaching micro goals, finding inspiration, failing, journaling and if all else fails, getting help, you too can bust this barrier and reach your peak creative performance.

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